GRANDT DEFENSE will be attending EnforceTac 2020 together with several of our dedictaed partners.
2-Day Exhibition & Conference for Security Experts from official Agencies
In 2019, Enforce Tac, International Exhibition & Conference Law Enforcement, Security and Tactical Solutions, will already be celebrating its 8th anniversary. The latest in LE equipment for 360° security is again being presented by the special fair next year, from 4 – 5 March 2020, at the exhibition centre Nuremberg.
The hard job of security experts from the police, judiciary, border protection, customs, military police and armed forces demands the latest security equipment and arrest, interception and overpowering techniques to ensure the best possible protection of operational forces against fatal injuries. Besides guns, ballistic accessories, optronics and tactical equipment, the exhibitors at Enforce Tac therefore present operational clothing such as bullet-proof vests, stab-proof vests, body protection, face protection, shields and helmets.
The European Policetrainer Conference also offer ample opportunities for exchanging views with experts and confidential talks at the Enforce Tac International Exhibition & Conference.
The history of Enforce Tac and other facts about the exhibition
Enforce Tac was created from the traditional Official Agencies Day at the start of IWA OutdoorClassics and can look back on a long tradition. The growing interest in an international and above all discreet exchange of views on law enforcement, security and tactical equipment led to the premiere of Enforce Tac as a separate restricted exhibition & conference in the congress centre of NürnbergMesse in 2012.